Jaunting Sisters

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Top Travel Apps

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Utilize mobile technology to assist your travels, but beware, many of these applications take up considerable data, so please check your data plan, especially overseas. Most of these are recommended for wifi access.

Check out some of these apps:

Free. Helps you organize your trip confirmation emails to create a trip itinerary.

Google Goggles
Free, part of of the Google Mobile App. Allows you to take photos of landmarks, buildings, products, etc. to search the web. Really useful when you happen upon a gorgeous building and want to know what the heck it is.

Free. Stay in touch with video chat.

Free. Get the layout of an airport including restaurant listings.

Frommers Apps
Price Varies. Get the appropriate Frommer's app for your destination.

Sources: http://www.travelchannel.com/Places_Trips/Travel_Ideas/Travel_Tips/Top_10_Mobile_Apps_For_Travel, http://www.frommers.com/go/mobile

© 2013 Jaunting Sisters.
Written on Thursday, 06 January 2011 11:48 by Jaunting

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